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Friday, August 17, 2018

What is MIMO?

MIMO is the multiple input & multiple-output system

What is SISO?

SISO is a Single input single output system

What is non touching loop?

Nontouching loops are such loops which have no common  node, branch & path

Classification of stability

Basically 2 type

1. Absolute stability
2.  Relative stability

What is marginally stable?

A system  where the output comes neither finite  nor infinite value but remains oscillates is called marginally stable

What is unstable system?

A system where output come towards the infinite value is known as an unstable system

What is stable system?

A system where the output come towards  the finite value is calles as stable system

Classification of stability

 Basically 3 type
1. Stable system
2.unstable system
3. Marginally stable

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Type of control system

Basically 2 type
1.  The open-loop control system
2. The closed-loop control system

Advantages of close loop control system

1. High bandwidth
2. The system is faster & more reliable
3.reduce effect of distortion & nonreliability

Disadvantage of open loop control system

1.It is not reliable
2. System are very slow
3. Inaccurate result

Application of open loop control system

1.  Automatic washing machine.                                                    
 The automatic washing machine is a real-time application of an open-loop control system.
In automatic washing machine input is a dirty cloths & output is a clean cloth. Washing machine time set manually. After completion set time machine automatically stops. We may or may not get the desired   clean cloths because of the no feedback from output to the input 

Disadvantage of close loop control system

1. Complex & costlier system.     2.  Bandwidth is high.          3 consume more power

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Advantages of open loop control system

1.  The open-loop system is simple in construction & design.                                                                2.  It is economical & easy to maintain & easy from a maintenance point of view

Close loop control system, Passive attack & Active attack


The control system in which the output has an effect upon the input quantity so as to maintain the desired output are called closed-loop control system


In passive attack,  Attacker observe the message without modification.  Monitored the transmitted data & read the information. It does not make any change in data & the system.  not disturbe the communication  channel & neither affect information


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