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Thursday, November 19, 2020

RADAR. what is RADAR? Basic principle of Radar system. Advantages & disadvantages of Radar system. Application of Radar system. Monostatic Radar. Bistatic Radar



RADAR stands for Radio Detection & Ranging

It is basically a system used to detect the reflecting object such as aircraft, ships, spacecraft, vehicles, people  & the natural environment.


                                            FIG. BASIC PRINCIPLE OF RADAR

RADAR is an object.

The transmitter in RADAR generates electromagnetic waves to determine the range, Angle, Distance & Velocity of the target.

The transmitter generates an electromagnetic wave & radiated through the antenna toward the target through free space. These electromagnetic waves reflected again from the target in a form of an echo signal.

These echo signals are received through an antenna. Based on the echo signal, RADAR can measure Range, Distance, Velocity & Angle of Target.

The doppler frequency shift is widely used in radar for separating the moving target from the fixed target.

Echo signal receives from the fixed target such as Land, Sea, Rain is called Clutter. Clutter is the unwanted signal.  


1. RADAR can identify unknown objects through Darkness, Rain, Fog, Snow.

2. RADAR can identify the Range, Distance, Angle, Position & Velocity of the target based on the             Echo signal.  


1.RADAR can not be used for short distances.

2.RADAR  can not identify the colour of the target.



It is used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles, weather terminology.   




                                 FIG. BISTATIC RADAR


The RADAR system consists of a transmitting antenna which is connected to the transmitter  & an antenna is connected to the receiver. such a RADAR system is called a BISTATIC  RADAR.

 The transmitter radiates an electromagnetic wave generated by the oscillator. A portion of the wave reflected back from the target in a form of an Echo signal in all directed toward the receiver.

The receiver antenna collects the returned Echo signal & deliver it to the receiver. The receiver detects the target & its relative velocity. which respect to the Radar station. If the target is moving.




                                           FIG. MONOSTATIC  RADAR


A single antenna is used for both transmitting & Receiving signals in a  RADAR is called a Monostatic RADAR. 

RADAR consists of a transmitter, a receiver, a display & an antenna.

The function of the Duplexer is:

1.To separate the transmitter & receiver during transmission & reception.

2.To protect the receiver from high power transmitter.

3.It uses a single transmitter/receiver antenna.

It is possible to detect the height, speed & direction of the target & time taken for the Echo to come back after reflection from the target.

The display screen indicates the target data.



In case the Radar range is to be doubled, we have to increase the transmitter power  16 times.

If   Rmax↑=2Rmax

   Then  Pt↑=16 Pt

since  Rmax ∝ Pt  to the power¼ 


 The increase in frequency increase in Range

Rmax ∝  √for  Rmax ∝ 1\√λ

 then   √f  =  1\√λ


Monday, November 9, 2020



                                                            fig. GYRATOR


It is a two-port microwave device that is used to introduce a  degree or 0-degree phase shift of electromagnetic wave propagation in forward direction or reverse direction.

Electromagnetic wave propagation in forward transmission from port 1 to port 2& 0-degree phase shift in reverse transmission from port2 to port1.

It consists rectangular waveguide at the receiving & transmitting end with a 90-degree twist which is connected to a circular waveguide. 

In the middle section of a  waveguide having ferrite rod. over the ferrite rod permanent magnet is placed.

According to faraday's rotation principle, an electromagnetic wave propagating from port1 to port2 in forward transmission, it passes through the twist, it introduces a 90-degree phase shift in a counter-clockwise direction & another 90-degree phase shift introduce by ferrite rod in a counter-clockwise rotation. so, the total angle of rotation is a 180-degree phase shift.

An electromagnetic wave propagating a 0-degree phase shift in reverse transmission from port 2 to port 1 then it introduces a 90-degree phase shift  by an in clockwise rotation & another 90-degree phase shift by ferrite rod rotation. Hence, two rotations cancel out each other. Hence, the 0-degree phase shift is introduced.😎